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Stolen/Recovered Vehicle

Sl No. Case Ref. Type of Vehicle with Colour Regd. No. Chasis No. Engine No. Remarks
211 Town PS Case No.21 Dt.08.02.15 U/s 379 IPC Hero Honda CD Delux OR-13C-8946 07A23F31992 07A22E51660
212 Kakatpur PS Case No.18 Dt.09.02.15 U/s 379 IPC Tata A.C. OD-02J-5049
213 Nimapada PS Case No.62 Dt.24.02.15 U/s 379 IPC TVS Appachi OR-13H-2911 MD634KE47B2G17181 OE4FB2287690
214 Sadar PS Case No.20 dt.15.01.15 U/s 379 IPC Hero Honda Splender Plus OR 13F 2349
215 Kumbharpada PS Case No.16dt. 10.01.15 U/s 379 IPC TVS STAR Delux OR 13C 0588 MD625H5351477376 5651218419
216 Kumbharpada PS Case No.03 dt.01.01.15 U/s 379 IPC Hero Honda Passion (PRO) OR 05AE 1988
217 Seabeach PS Case No.07 dt.11.01.15 U/S-379 IPC Mahindra Scorpio (white colour) OD-05AV-5959 MAITA2MHNC2E45149 MHC4E41047
218 Delanga PS Case No.06 dt.05.01.15 U/S-379 IPC Honda Shine (Grey colour) OD-02K-1316 ME4JC36H07286477 JC36E77869158
