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“Sensitized Police for Empowered Society”
The Ama Police (Community Policing) functioning in Puri district vide Letter No.6274/Con dt.24.11.2012 of Director General of Police, Odisha, Cuttack. The Ama Police (Community Policing) is a noble idea to closely interact with the general public, in all matter pertaining to Law & Order and safe guarding the life & property of the general public through Ama Police general public comes more close to the Police and shares the difficulties of their area regarding Crime, Criminal and Law & Order problems by which the general public becomes pro-Police andboth unite together to overcome the problems in Ama Police, Police act as a catalyst of in the social engineering experiments. The Ama Police (Community Policing) fast functioning in Town PS but now all Police Stations of this district are functioning in Ama Police (Community Policing)
Community Policing scheme has been launched by Puri Police to instill faith and establish confidence on general public upon Police, with a sacred purpose of better interaction between Police and Public. Sri Lalit Das, IPSSpl. Secretary to Govt, Home Department, Govt of Odisha.was pleased to inaugurate the Community Policing “Ama Police” at Town PS, Puri on 1stApril 2013, on the Day of Utkal Diwas and also Odisha Police Formation Day.
IIC, Town PS, Puri has been designated as chairperson of the Community Policing scheme, “Ama Police”. One Community Relation Officer is in-charge of the desk, The Ama Police system covers 14 beats & 60 Sahis. The Community Policing system is comprising of 14 community Officer who perform their duty under the guidance of Community Relation Officer. They have been assign with job to move from door to door in their allotted beat and report information regarding any incident of theft, robbery and misbehavior by the outsider/senior citizen to the Community Relation Officer they will also share with inhabitants during their pleasure and gripe . In case of any help required to be render for the senior citizen these Community Officer shall take on all necessary steps to help the needy and persons in trouble. The Ama Police system has also incorporated some leading people of the sahis who are designated as Ama PoliceSurakhyaSamitee members.The said samitee member will liase with the chair person of the Ama Police i.e IIC, Town PS, Puri regarding holding of meetings from time to time to discus about the problems of the local people of the sahis. 17 samitee members are working from different sahis The first meeting of the “ Ama Police” samiteewas held on 01.04.2013.
DSP, City, Puri has been entrusted as supervising officer of Community Policing “Ama Police”.
List of Ama Police Samitee in Police Stations of Puri district