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Integrated Anti Human Trafficking Unit

Sl No. Name Rank Contact Details Photograph
1 Sri Indramani Behera, OPS D.S.P, IAHTU Cell,Puri Office No.:06752-224113
Mobile No :
Email Id –
2 Inspector Office No :06752-255005
Email Id –

Trafficking in persons, particularly women and children for various purposes such as commercial sexual exploitation (CSE), forced labour, forced marriages, domestic servitude, adoption, begging, public sport etc. is an organized crime that gravely violates basic human rights of victims.The IAHTU aims at prevention and detection of trafficking as well as rescue, rehabilitation of the victims of trafficking.
The problem of trafficking in women and children for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation has assumed serious proportion in recent years. Commercial exploitation of women and children takes place in various forms including brothel-based prostitution, sex tourism, entertainment industry and pornography in print and electronic media. In some cases the victims are taken to other states, while in some other cases, the trafficking takes place within the state. After careful consideration, the Government has decided this police for combating trafficking of women and children for commercial sexual exploitation, including labour exploitation.
Human trafficking is a multi-dimensional problem encompassing a whole range of economical, social and cultural issues which are varied and complex. Most of the victims are lured with promises of jobs, better career prospects and marriage. Some are inducted forcibly through abduction, poverty and deprivation, secondary status accorded to women in society, prejudice against the girl child, weakening of the family structure, changing public attitudes towards sex and morality, the caste structure, urbanisation, recurrent disasters such as floods and drought and migration are other factors, which have contributed to the commercial sexual and labour exploitation of women and children.
Trafficking of women and children results in serious violation of human rights. It leads to very adverse physical, psychological and moral consequences for the victims, which are serious, lifelong and also life threatening. About 60-70% victims suffer from more than one disease including sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS. The rescued victims are invariably penniless, physically ill and psychologically broken. It is an organised crime involving multiple abuses and abuses. Human trafficking is a matter of serious concern in cases of sexual exploitation as well as those of forced/ labour exploitation.

IAHTU (Integrated Anti Human Trafficking Unit)

  • Government of Odisha Women and Child Development Department Resolution No.22171 Dt.21.12.2009 on combating trafficking of Women & Children
  • Criminal Investigation Dept. , Crime Branch letter No.35995/CID-IAHTU Dtd.31.10.2014 regarding establishment and function of New IAHTU in Puri District.


  • Timely collection dissemination and utilization of intelligence about human trafficking.
  • Diligent rescue operation (rescue of maximum number of trafficked persons should be the aim).
  • Attend to post rescue care and attention of survivors (along with the concerned Government Departments and nodal NGO)
  • Carry out professional investigation to bring all of offender to book.
  • Ensure effective prosecution and strive for maximum and expeditious conviction of offenders.
  • Undertake all post-prosecution/conviction activities as per the law
  • Maintain monthly database, which will be shared with BPR&D,NCRB,MHA,MWCD, Concerned District SsP, Range DIsG, State Police 'Hdqrs., CID,CB, State Crime Records Bureau, BijuPatnaik State Police Academy, Women and Child Development Department, Govt. of Odisha and UNODC.
  • Initiate action of repatriation of outstation victims, in consultation with concerned local authorities and NGOs.
  • Associate other Government Departments, NGOs, Corporate and other willing agencies for effective rehabilitation of survivors.
  • Undertake any other activity that would enable them a combating and preventing human trafficking.
  • A Nodal NGO will be identified to support each AHTU. The Nodal NGO may associate other local NGOs as and when required.


Steps are being taken to conduct more District level training on human trafficking to sensitize police and other stake holders in the District.

Address Integrated Anti Human Trafficing Unit,
District Police Office,
VIP Road, Puri
PIN 752002
Office Number 06752-255005
FAX 06752-223280
Email ID