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Indecent Representation to Women

According to Random House Dictionary, the word 'decency' means "the state or quality of being decent, conformity to the recognised standard of propriety, modesty, etc".

Decency varies from place to place, person to person as what is decent to one may not be the same to the other.

With the progress of the society and change in the lifestyle of the people , standard of propriety etc. keep on changing. What is termed as decent today, was not so a few years back. So with the passage of time, the meaning of decency changes, the degree of morality and decency also takes a new look.

In a traditional society expose of women through advertising, painting, publications or otherwise was not accepted but today it has become a fashion

The 21st century is known as the age of the information and scientific development.

The behaviour of market has changed and in order to attract the customers towards their products the manufactures are using various methods to advertise their products. With the progress of electronics media it has become much easier to reach millions of people and to the area which were once beyond the reach of the advertising groups. So to capture the minds of the people, women are being used as best medium to project their products in a big way.

This is rising and growing in a multi dimensional ways thereby denigrating women and are considered to be derogatory. It is difficult to judge the intention of the manufacturers , these advertisements, posters, paintings and publications in both print and electronic media effectively creates a corrupt and evil sense in the minds of the people.

Therefore, to restrict all these prohibit indecent representation of women a specific legislation, namely "Indecent Representation of (Women Prohibition) Act, 1986″was enacted.


1. Police Circular Order 343/2013 regarding Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for investigation of Crime against women has been issued to all the District SsP/ DCsP, Bhubaneswar-Cuttack/ SRP Rourkela and SRP, Cuttack.

2. Police Circular Order 338/2013 regarding Prompt investigation and prosecution of crime against women has been issued to all the District SsP./ DCsP, Bhubaneswar-Cuttack / SRP Rourkela and SRP, Cuttack.

3. Concerned Dist. Ss.P. /D.Cs.P. have been advised to intensify patrolling near shandies, women institutions, and during in fairs and festivals. They have also been asked to watch on activities of anti-socials/ drunkards and to conduct raids against circulation of obscene literature and display of blue films.

4. To facilitate integrated approach towards crime against women and children Mahila & Sishu Desks have been setup in 537 Police Stations of the State of Odisha to deal with the complaints of victim women. The District HRPC will act as the Nodal Agencies in such matters within the District.

5. A toll Helpline Telephone Number 1091 has been connected to 6 Mahila Police Station of Odisha to attend the calls from the women victims for redressal of their problems.

6. Women and Child Cells have been setup under the control of Ss.P. of the district assisted by DSP,HRPC and comprising women Inspector & Women Officers & Men of the District to facilitate an integrated and improve response of the police to crime against women & children.

7. Women & child Protection PCR Van with necessary staff with the district police have been provided to women and child cell to attend to all urgent calls received from women and distress.

8. The Chief General Manager, Telecom, Odisha, Bhubaneswar has been moved for allotment of toll free women helpline telephone number to all district women and child cell to attend the calls from the victim women for 24 hours.