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The Police Flag as approved by the State Government in Home Department letter No.23287/P dated26-9-1963 has been formally presented to the Orissa Police on the 1st of April, 1972 by the Governor of Orissa.
(I) The size, dimensions, colour and other details of the flag are as stated below :
(1) Size – 6′ x 4′
(2) Cloth – Red Cord Silk
(3) Golden fringe attached on three sides of the flag.
(4) Embroidery State Crest (Ashok Pilar) with laurel wreath letter O.P. in the centre a Sanskrit Motto ” Tamasah Mam Jyotigamaya” written on a scroll under the crest in golden thread.
(5) A silk cord in colour of blue, red and yellow set in the unction of the golden fringe and the flag.
(6) A brass National Emblem of India fitted at the top of the wooden stand.
(7) Flag cord in silk in colours of blue, red and yellow with silk tassels in the same colours as the cord.
(II). The replica of the flag would be made of ordinary silk cloth of the same colour and wold have the State Crest (Ashok Polar) and the special motto and will be without the other trimmings.
(III). The flag should be flown in the following occasions and places,
(1) Magazine Guard and Armed Police Camps on the borders of the State.
(2) State Police Headquarters.
(3) Parade Grounds
(4) At all Sports/Games meets at district and Range Headquarters.
(5) At All-India Police Duty and Sports Meets.
(IV). On the following occasions when unrestricted use of the National Flag has been prescribed in the ‘Flag Code-India’, the National Flag should be flown in addition to the State Police Flag on the Magazine Guards, Armed Police Camps at borders of the State and the State Police Headquarters its place being to the right of the Police Flag.
(i) Republic Day.
(ii) National Week- 6th April to 13th April- in memory of the martyrs of Jallianwala Bagh.
(iii) Independence Day.
(iv) Mahatma Gandhi’s Birth Day.
(v) Any of the particular day of National rejoicing.
(V). The State Police Flag should be brought out on ceremonial parades carried by a colour party on the occasion of the Republic Day, Independence Day, Police Commemoration Day, the Odisha Police Formation Day and Inspection Parades by D.I.G./ I.G. In order that the force is acquainted with the drill for marching the flag on and off a ceremonial parade, the guarding and escort ing procedure and the procedure for casing, uncasing and dressing the flag etc. It should be brought out on ceremonial parade once every month at the District, O.M.P. and P.T.C. Headquarters. The date for this parade every month should be fixed by the S.P./Heads of Estt. according to his convenience so that he must attend the parade along with all Gazetted Officers. The rules and procedure prescribed in Sections 28 to 31 Chapter 3 of the Ceremonial Drill Manual 1956, for bringing out the colour on ceremonial parade should be followed in respect of the Police Flag. The District Superintendent of Police, Commandant, O.M.P. Battalions. Principal Police Training College, Assistant Commandants, Reserve Inspectors, Sergeants and all others concerned ranks should closely study and follow the drill.